Exclusive Trade Expo Deals - PowerPass Offers & WIGIG

Selling stock at the event is encouraged, the following is permitted for sale on the day of the Trade Expo at each event as an exclusive PowerPass offer for customers at the Trade Expo: 

  • Exclusive PowerPass Trade Expo only deals 
  • Unique promotional lines/WIGIGs 
  • Instant bonuses/redemptions which are provided on the day 

Please contact your buyer with all details for approval of this PowerPass offer. All proposed offers need to be submitted via your buyer no later than 28 March 2024, acceptance of these offers will be confirmed shortly after.  

If you wish to sell stock that is not physically at the Event (i.e. decking, cement sheeting, large bulky items, or any items you haven’t brought onsite) we can transact these purchases at the registers using our COS (Customer Order System) onsite at all the Trade Expos. Customers will be able to place an order with the dedicated COS Team to access the one day only Expo Deals. These orders will then be transferred to the fulfilling Warehouse/Trade Centre location of the customer’s choice. The Trade Specialists at the customers requested fulfillment location will contact the customer, order any special-order items, take any outstanding payments, and arrange the pickup/delivery of this stock. 

For all queries, please contact the Bunnings events team via